Are you sick of spending thousands of pounds on smoking, and worry about the impact on your health?
Have you ever stopped to consider the cost of your smoking habit? With the average packet of 20 cigarettes now rising to £16, if you have a 20 a day habit, that adds up to almost £6,000.
What about the cost to your health? We don’t need to detail the impact of smoking on general health here – that’s well known, and you know it too.
But it’s not easy to quit smoking, or the chances are you would have stopped already. There are many aids on the market – such as patches or vaping – to help you stop smoking, but these can also be expensive – and it’s just too easy to end up replacing one habit with another.
Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can help you stop smoking for good: the good of your health, your family and your bank balance.
Hypnotherapy to stop smoking is a powerful tool
Our hypnotherapy sessions can help whether you use cigarettes to help with anxiety or if you smoke purely out of habit. It’s a powerful and dynamic technique that’s permanent. If you’re serious about stopping smoking and have tried all the substitutes with no long-term success, then our hypnotherapy sessions are the answer. We have a great track record with clients who have discovered it is 100% possible to stop smoking with hypnosis.
The best way to stop smoking
Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool and provides long term solutions for stopping smoking*. Most people don’t realise it, but stopping smoking isn’t about overcoming a physical addiction, it’s actually about overcoming a deep-seated habit – a mental addiction to the action of smoking. To stop smoking with hypnosis we will help you re-wire your thinking, break the habit and eliminate the desire.
How many hypnotherapy sessions will it take to stop smoking?
Over two sessions*, I will help you discover why you smoke and give you techniques that you can implement yourself, to help you going forward. This will also include an audio file to take away. Our first session is 2hrs and then there will be a follow up session of 90 mins a week later.
Session one – Preparation to stop smoking. Here I will find your personal and key motivators to stopping smoking . I will really get to the root of your desires and fears about quitting this deadly habit for good. You will then experience hypnosis and leave with tasks to do and things to think about ready for your next session
Session two – Stop smoking. This is usually a week later. Here I use a combination of techniques that have been fine-tuned over very many years. These include hypnosis, NLP and Vcart light therapy. This session is tailored to your motivations and is personal to you. I will use a Vcart to make smoking absolutely revolting to you…making it so much easier to quit permanently. You will walk away feeling proud and excited about your new life without that smoking burden
The total cost is £495 – which is considerably less than your smoking habit.
If you decide to stop smoking with hypnosis…